Living into our Mission

How do we strive to know Christ and make Him known?

Our values.

  • Worship

    Meaningful experiences that connect with the hearts and minds of the congregation, creating an atmosphere of reverence and spiritual uplift.

  • Biblical Preaching

    Preaching that is richly rooted in Scripture, relevant to daily life, and deepens our understanding of God and ourselves.

  • Children

    Our commitment to the spiritual growth and development of children, creating a welcoming and nurturing environment.

  • Supportive Fellowship

    Building strong relationships within the church community, where members feel supported, encouraged, and loved.

  • Outreach

    This emphasizes the church's commitment to serving the community and sharing the Gospel with those who are not yet part of the church family.

Our vision.

At All Saints’ Church of Belmont, we strive to be a vibrant community where:

Liturgical worship is authentic and inspiring, lifting our hearts and minds to God and drawing us closer to Him while providing an oasis from an often volatile and changing world.

We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through engaging and thought-provoking preaching that explores the richness and depth of Scripture, challenges and inspires us, connects with the lived experiences of all people, and invites dialogue and reflection that deepens our understanding of God and ourselves.

Children are welcomed and nurtured in faith, experiencing the love of Jesus and growing in spiritual understanding through worship, Godly Play, and our dedication to the Montessori School and the wider community.

Supportive fellowship abounds, cultivating deeper and more meaningful relationships that nurture our faith, deepen our spiritual understanding through Christian education, and empower us to serve each other and the world around us.

Outreach initiatives transform lives, sharing the love of Christ with our neighbors and making a meaningful and lasting impact on our community and abroad.