Visit us.
17 Clark Street
Belmont, MA 02478
Office Hours are by appointment.
Please call the parish office if you need help during the week. Messages are checked regularly by our staff. Monday–Friday.
+1 (617) 484-2228
Driving from the North or South: Route 128/95 – Take Route 2 (Concord Turnpike) East. From Route 2, take Exit 59 marked Route 60/Belmont Center/Arlington Center. At the end of the exit ramp, turn right onto Pleasant Street. At the 2nd stoplight, turn left. Go through Belmont Center and then through the underpass. Just beyond the underpass, bear right. Go approximately 1/8 mile on Common Street. The church is on the right. Turn right onto Clark Street (just beyond the church) to enter the parking lot.
From the West: Mass Pike East to Route 128/95 North to Route 2 (Concord Turnpike) East to Exit 59, see Route 128/95 directions.
From Cambridge: Take Concord Avenue West from the Fresh Pond Rotary. Just before the underpass in Belmont Center, bear left. Go approximately 1/8 mile on Common Street. The church is on the right. Turn right onto Clark Street (just beyond the church) to enter the parking lot.
Available Parking: Large open parking lot on Clark Street.
By Public Transportation: Take bus #74 from Harvard Square. Get off the bus at the stop just before the underpass in Belmont Center. Bear left and walk approximately 1/8 mile to the church.
Contact Us
Email & Phone
+1 (617) 484-2228
17 Clark Street
Belmont, MA 02478
Cheryl Minor, revcheryl.minor@gmail.com
Paul Minor, Paul.Minor.alumni.mil@armywarcollege.edu