Resources and support.
Often when we are in a crisis friends and family will rally around to support us. We here at All Saints' would like to be part of your support network. We can help in a variety of ways.
Prayer list.
First and foremost we want to pray for you. Help us to do that by letting us know when you or a family member are in need of prayer.
We use a list during all of our public services to remind us of special needs. Parishioners in need of prayer, or who would like a friend or family member prayed for, should call the parish office at 617-484-2228 or email all_saints@msn.com. We pray for people for three weeks, unless notified that the need continues. Sometimes people with chronic needs are placed on a rotating prayer list. We welcome all news about the people we are praying for so that we can know best how to pray.
Pastoral Care.
Pastoral Care is provided by our clergy as we become aware of needs. Please be sure to call the parish office at 617-484-2228 if you or a loved one needs a visit.
In addition, some people in our parish have expertise in an area or have walked the path you are on and have offered themselves as resources. Feel free to contact them directly.
End of Life Issues.
Steve Gross: Steve works as a chaplain with hospice and has offered himself as a resource to anyone in the parish facing end-of-life issues, decisions around hospice, etc. Email Steve at sgross126@comcast.net
Special Needs Children.
Mike Blasik and Nancy Morrison: Parishioners Mike and Nancy have offered themselves as resources to anyone coping with a special needs child. Email Nancy and Mike at morrisonblasik@yahoo.com.